Aight, i'm gonna say being welcomed at open arms in this website has me get so happy. More than every other site i used to post on to get enough attention.
I began my seeking for attention on Twitter, but after many months of desperate doodle sketching, i felt like i wasted too much time posting too much that i only got 3-5 followers. Twitter's so full of japanese artists but also some artists who also have a profile here. When i left it after getting a living on Mastodon, i treated Twitter that it's not even the thing for me anymore, even because algorithms and shit kind of ruined my expectations to get my first public to interact with me.
But what was also bad is that people told me there's a bunch of toxic people here. Yes, two reasons got me enough (or also one) to NOT use Twitter anymore.
But when i entered here on Newgrounds, i had got more active than the time i was registered back on October of the last year, except i got active for real when i left Twitter and Instagram behind. I cannot comprehend why do Twitter artists get so many numbers, but i'd better stick out of it while i'm having more fun residing on this place.
Also love the unique features that make what could be the most innovative website design i've ever seen in history. The games, movies, audio and art portals, the very simple BBS styled forums, profile level and whistles... it's what makes this site so awesome i ain't ever going to stop using it for a longer while. It's a very great way to get people interact with others unlike how Twitter and Instagram bug off a lot spamming their emails and notifications with FOMO tendencies. Mastodon was good enough, but this place is godsent.
Other art sites i may want to use in the future is Artstation and Pixiv. I'm never going to deal with lousy ass algorithms anymore.
Estos últimos meses estaba pensando probar suerte en twitter ,pero con lo que dices ya me quedo claro que no vale la pena
Ok i don't know any spanish but i hope i did help
espanol (google translate):
Ok, no sé nada de español, pero espero haber ayudado